When Dotag greatly boosts operations

The Finnish family enterprise KT Paloturvapalvelut that operates in the fire safety and property security business has been using Dotag since February 2022.

- Our installers use Dotag on the mobile devices fluently while on the field, and there have been no compatibility issues. It is particularly useful to be able to make markings and take notes in offline mode as well, which are then updated into the application when the device reconnects to for instance a WLAN network, says KT Paloturvapalvelut Service Manager Paavo Lempinen.

- Dotag has cut our costs, because we no longer need print-outs of pictures at our sites. There is no need to go pick them up from anywhere and there are no unnecessary trips or jobs due to forgetting something. This has greatly boosted our operations.

At KT Paloturvapalvelut, supervisors use Dotag on their personal desktop computers. They prepare the foundational work in advance before jobs and then inspect and compile reports after projects are complete.

- We have learnt well to upload our project plans into Dotag, and making them digitally has reduced the time spent on preparations by our supervisors.

- Thanks to Dotag, we don’t need to draw reports on plans after projects or check with installers afterwards to make sure of the details. This has clearly facilitated the work of our supervisors. Dotag’s systematic way of doing things has also significantly improved our quality controls.

KT Paloturvapalvelut currently uses Dotag for the documentation of firestops, and surely for other things too in the future.

- When it comes to firestops, Dotag has clearly perfected its functions, and good documentation is a requirement there. Good documentation has been obvious to us since the beginning, but this tool has improved it even further, says Lempinen.

A smooth partnership

Having a domestic and well-serving software supplier has been important for KT Paloturvapalvelut. Lempinen also appreciates the agility of smaller enterprises.

- Right away, it feels like we and Dotag are speaking the same language. As a customer, it has been nice to have been able to influence the partner organisation with our own wishes.

- The partnership has worked well, and Dotag has always provided assistance when needed. One of the best things about their service is availability and their approachable and humorous attitude.

- Service is everything in software. Dotag has always taken the needs of their customers seriously and wanted to find solutions. It has been great to see that the product is being developed and that customer questions are taken seriously.

The company image has improved thanks to Dotag

- At some point, we tried out a similar software application that was in development, but unfortunately that experiment did not go anywhere. We are also hesitant to try out closed software, because we would rather have product-neutral applications that are free of limitations.

Good customer reports with floor plans and photos in the same place and referenced accurately to their locations in the structures are an important part of customer service for KT Paloturvapalvelut, says Lempinen.

- The digital documentation provided by Dotag is currently making quite the positive difference when servicing our customers! Our image has become much more modern as we are able to show to our customers what current technology can do, Lempinen concludes.

About KT Paloturvapalvelut Oy

Since 2017, KT Paloturvapalvelut Oy has provided safety installation and maintenance services as well as specialist services for housing companies, properties, businesses, cities, and public administration institutions.

The service provided is based on decades of experience possessed by the skilled staff in fire safety and security services and in the various fields of safety technology.

KT Paloturvapalvelut Oy completes projects using their in-house staff and has grown to become one of the most significant fire safety industry actors since its founding.

Established: 2017
Personnel: +25 persons
Turnover range: 2.5 million euros