Mobile Documentation – No more useless work steps and unnecessary paper

Modern mobile technology saves time, effort and thus money in project fieldwork and data collection. With mobile documentation, i.e. collecting data digitally on a mobile device, there is no need to waste time writing data in various tables or to make sure that they are clear enough for the next step.

When work is fast and simplified it saves money and significantly improves job satisfaction.

Mobile devices have gotten better in recent years and applications can also be used offline.

Working offline is no longer a problem. Mobile technology helps to agilely manage projects and employees in many countries or offices at the same time.

Mobile technology enables the immediate collection of data, gathered from the field and available to all relevant project staff.

7 Reasons to use a mobile device for data collection in the field

1. Saves time and effort

It is enough to take 1 mobile device to the site instead of different floor plans, folders, papers and a pen. It saves time and effort both at the construction site itself and after the site visit at the office.

All you need is a mobile device and an application suitable for data collection, which works offline.

2. Integration of different data formats is facilitated

Measurements, photos, floor plans, or notes, are all compiled in one place. This again eliminates the time spent combining different data at the office.

3. Information is cleaner

In general, data is much cleaner on mobile data input devices than when writing on paper. In the case of mobile notes, there are no nasty misinterpretations like on paper, for example mixups between the numbers 1 and 7.

The interpretation of the photos is also easier, because they can be connected to the right place at the mobile site where the picture is taken.

4. Making changes easier

When making changes to notes and data with a few clicks.

5. Managing the data collection process becomes easier

All the necessary information and data about the project can be delivered to all the necessary recipients in real time. All participants in the project are constantly aware of the real-time information.

6. Sharing documents become easier

Once the documents have been collected and are already in the same place, the updated information is available to all participants in the project.

Document sharing is easy for all parties, even for those on the other side of the world.

7. Money is saved

Project productivity will improve due to all of the above.

In addition, e.g. additional printing and form costs are reduced when information is found on a mobile device.

Mobile devices facilitate project management and productivity

Summa summarum: The digitalization of work processes, such as data collection, facilitates the management of the entire project and increases productivity.

Updated site and project information is available to everyone in real time.

With digitalisation, job satisfaction also improves. Quality will improve and customer satisfaction will increase.

For example, Skanska’s CEO, Tuomas Särkilahti believes that the digitalisation of construction sites would cut construction time in half.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.

Check out DOTAG. The worksite data application for humans.

Read more about the Dotag data collection application.

Read more about digitizing data collection on site.

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